Karnataka Common Entrance Test(KCET) 2016 latest update
Karnataka Examination Authority (KEA) has released exam
dates of Karnataka CET 2016 for admissions to B. Tech programmes in various
colleges in the state of Karnataka. Karnataka CET 2016 will now be conducted on
May 4, 2016 for Mathematics, while the exam for Physics and Chemistry will be
held on May 5, 2016.
The Karnataka Common Entrance Test (KCET 2016) will
be not be postponed. The exam will be conducted as per the scheduled dates,
that is on May 4 and 5.
In the wake of II-PU chemistry question paper leaking
twice in 10 days, the state’s education department was earlier planning to
postpone the exam. But the allegations were dismissed by the state’s education
minister itself recently.
According to the Karnataka Education Minister, there is
no plan to postpone the KCET 2016, and the students have sufficient
time to prepare for the common entrance test. Moreover, the Karnataka Board
will be conducting the Class 12 chemistry re-exam on April 12.
“A friend in need is a friend indeed”
-is an old
saying. We the examsavvy.com team, would be really glad to be your able
companion in these exam days to guide you to boldly face the examinations.
Exams are nothing to be afraid of, as they are nothing more than weighing
scales to gauge our talent levels. Studying the lessons on a day-to-day basis,
listening to classes attentively and following a time table for exam
preparation will chase the exam fear out of us for sure. Face the exams
confidently and prove yourself for a brighter future…
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